Chiara Carthy

Chiara Carthy Corona del Mar California ProfileChiara Carthy is a woman with a wide variety of interests, experiences, and areas of expertise. She is a conservationist, an engineer, a researcher, and consultant. She is also an outspoken liberal and a passionate defender of the environment who believes in using the most cutting edge technology possible to lessen the impact we have on our earth while also replacing what we’ve taken away from the natural world.

One of Chiara Carthy’s biggest areas of interest is nanotechnology and how it can be used to help heal and restore the environment. As a researcher and scientist specializing in nanotechnology (with a focus on the intersections of nanotechnology and environmental conservation), Chiara is perfectly placed to learn about the new field of nanotechnology and then to take what she has learned so that she can apply it to the environment. Nanotechnology focuses on the manipulation of matter on a molecular level. In science-fiction this is frequently shown as happening through the use of thousands, if not millions, of tiny robots to perform tasks and reshape the world around us. While this might not be the truth of nanotechnology yet, the end goals are the same. Used properly, nanotechnology could be used to help heal the earth from all of the damage that humans have caused it. We could fertilize barren areas, filter water, and reintroduce minerals and chemicals that have been lacking and were stripped from the earth. Nanotechnology could also completely change the energy industry, from how energy is created to how it is delivered.

Chiara Carthy is also lucky to live in California, home to one of the country’s most vibrant health scenes. Chiara is a full proponent of healthy living and the healthy lifestyle. She makes sure to take full advantage of both the fresh produce that her home state offers, as well as the beautiful landscape as she hikes and runs her way around her hometown. Chiara is also lucky enough to live near a yoga studio and frequently practices yoga at the peak of her mountain hikes and runs.